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College Credit While At SHS

Opportunities to Earn College Credit While at SHS


College Credit Providers

USD 305 works collaboratively with Hutchinson Community College, K-State Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus, Salina Area Technical College, and Bethany College to ensure that the courses are consistently offered and have the rigor to effectively prepare students for higher education.  See the link below of the slideshow presentation provided to students and parents on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.



K-State Salina



Hutchinson Community College



Salina Area Technical College



Bethany College



Kstate Salina

Student Handbook 2024-2025

Application Links - Choose the Pre-College Enrollment option

First-Time K-State Students

Returning Students

Eligibility of Students

To be eligible for dual credit course enrollment, students must meet institutional grade point average requirements, meet the college-established ACT or placement testing requirements, and be a 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade student or a gifted student. College/University fees for dual credit are the student's responsibility.

College Credit Cost

Each college credit provider has established a per credit hour fee and may require additional fees for certain courses.  College course fees are subject to change. The student is responsible for the payment of course fees and should contact the college credit provider directly for questions regarding course fees, billing, and payment deadlines.  


Hutchinson Community College 
Blended Credit
$99 per Credit Hour Plus a $25 ($17 Online) Course Fee for each course, each semester. Textbooks are provided.

  • EN101 (English 4A): $322 + EN102 (English 4B): $322 = $644
  • PS100 (General Psychology): $322


K-State Salina Campus 
 Blended & Dual Credit
Students are responsible for purchasing textbooks, tuition, and course fees.  Tuition costs $125.42 per credit hour. Please see college for specific course fees. 


Salina Area Technical College
HS General Education Credit
$50 per Credit Hour. 

Almost all technical education courses are tuition-free but some institutional and/or certification fees still apply.


Bethany College
 Blended & Dual Credit = $100 per Credit Hour.

  • CJ100 (American Justice): $300
  • ED100 (Teaching as a Career): $300
  • ED200 (Teaching Internship): $300

Transfer of College Credit

It is the student's responsibility to provide proof of college credit (college transcript) to their chosen post-secondary institution.  The student will need to contact each school where credit has been earned and request a final transcript be sent.

Below are the links to each school providing college credit to SHSS students.  Please note, each school may require a fee for ordering a transcript.

Hutchinson Community College

K-State Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus

Salina Area Technical College

Bethany College

Access to Student Education Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a Federal law which provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records.  College credit providers reserve the right to refuse parental access to student education records without the written consent of the student.  We recommend that students and parents review the FERPA policy of each institution where the student is enrolling for college credit.