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For Juniors

During Lunch in Commons

  • U.S. Army Recruiter - Wednesday, February 12th
  • Hutchinson Community College - Thursday, February 13th
  • Kansas State University - Friday, February 14th
  • U.S. Air Force Recruiter - Monday, February 17th
  • Wichita State University - Thursday, February 20th


Schedule a visit to SHS
Salina South High School utilizes RepVisits to schedule visits to South High.  College, University, and Technical School admissions personnel can search and sign up for visits with the click of a button.


Junior News...  


Attention Juniors - Flex Schedule Applications
Flex schedule applications are now available in the Counseling Center. If you wish to pursue a flex schedule during the Spring semester of your Senior year, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a student in good standing
  • Complete all XELLO activities required before and during the flex schedule agreement
  • Be enrolled in five or more new classes to remain eligible for KSHSAA activities
  • Be on track to meet USD 305 graduation requirements

Deadline: Applications, with both student and parent signatures, should be submitted to the Counseling Center by March 16, 2025.


Eagle U - Leadership Experience Program
What you’ll experience at Eagle U are proven ideas, techniques and systems that, when followed, will help you move more rapidly through your education and skip the entire 7 year trial and error process to find a career and a job that fits you. It’s common sense and easy to follow. More importantly, the seminars are energetic, upbeat, and fun! Eagle U believes you learn more when you’re laughing and having a good time.  We are looking forward to hosting your high school or college-age student for a unique 4-day experience where they will gain competitive insights and access to the tools needed to get a 7-year head start on their future career!  The 2025 Program will take place July 14-18 at Baker University in Baldwin City, KS (just 40 minutes from Kansas City!).  Scholarships are available.  See Mr. Allen for details and scholarship information.  The deadline to apply is May 15, 2025


FREE CNA Classes - Lindsborg Community Hospital and Bethany Village
The generosity of an anonymous charitable organization has funded free Certified Nursing Assistant classes at LCH and Bethany Village since June 2002. Working with Hutchinson Community College, we have seen 1029 graduate as CNAs. Each summer, classes are scheduled for four sessions of twelve students. Each session is fourteen days in length and held Monday through Friday from 8 am - 4:30 pm. The cost of the class, tuition, books, TB test, fees, and even meals are underwritten by the organization. In the case of a positive reaction to a TB test, the organization does not provide free X-ray services. In order to receive 5 college credits, participants need to be sixteen and at least a junior in high school. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) serve an important role in the care of patients. They have varied duties according to experience and the type of facility they serve. Duties may include feeding patients who are unable to feed themselves, preparing food trays, bathing, grooming, dressing patients, helping patients to move about, measuring liquid intake and output, measuring and recording vital signs, making beds, and observing the patient's mental, physical and emotional condition and reporting any concerns to the nursing staff. Enrollment for class sessions will be handled through a competitive application process. Classes fill quickly. Remaining applicants are placed on a waiting list. Successful applicants will be notified within 10 days of the closing date for applications. Applications are due by March 24th, 2025.  Contact Karissa Hoffman by calling the hospital at 785-450-5238, or email Please include a daytime phone number where you can be reached and your mailing address.  Brochure and Application


Students can take advantage of ACT/SAT Test Prep in XELLO. Methodize is Method Learning’s brand new online learning platform. Methodize consists of newly updated and revised ACT and SAT courses. Our online program has served over a million students in the past two decades and Methodize distills that experience into a new platform that makes it easier for students and teachers to do test prep. Students can access Methodize under "Links and Resources" in their XELLO account.


Early Graduation Option
Applications for early graduation are now available in the Counseling Center with Mrs. Carlson. This contract application is for students who will have completed all academic requirements and wish to graduate at the end of the first semester of their senior year. In addition to academic requirements, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The student has a hardship or a unique cultural, academic, and/or vocational opportunity.
  2. The student's Individual Plan of Study (IPS) is up-to-date.
  3. The student must meet with the early graduation committee for approval.

Applications are only valid if they are fully completed and include all required signatures. Applications are due to Ms. Smith in the Counseling Center by December 1, 2024, as outlined in USD 305 Board Policy.


FHSU - Hispanic College Institute (HCI)
Fort Hays State University if offering an exciting opportunity for Sophomores and Juniors!  Fort Hays State University's Hispanic College Institute (HCI) is a FREE, four-day residential program for high school students (classes of 2026 & 2027, 2.5 GPA+).

When: June 4-7, 2025
Where: FHSU Campus

HCI offers:
  • Live on campus
  • College admissions & financial aid workshops
  • Public speaking & interview skills
  • Mentorship from Hispanic leaders
  • Scholarships available
  • FREE food, transportation, & lodging
Contact Hugo Perez at or 785-628-4020 to learn more. Don’t miss out! 


Scholarship/Contest Opportunities for Juniors...

2024 State Masonic Public School Essay Contest
Any Junior or Senior attending a Kansas public high school is eligible to participate in this essay contest in order to win cash prizes including 1st place, $4000, 2nd place, $3000, 3rd place, $2000, 4th place $1000, and 4 Honorable Mention for $500 each. Essays must be submitted to the Local Lodge (Masonic Lodge, 143 S 3rd, Salina, KS 67401) on or before November 1, 2024. Visit Masonic Foundation for contest rules and to download required forms. Essay Brochure 2024


The 2024 Coolidge Scholarship
The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride, four-year, merit scholarship that may be used by recipients for undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any high school junior who plans on enrolling in college in the fall of 2024 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply.  Coolidge Scholars are selected based primarily on academic excellence. Secondary criteria include an interest in public policy, an appreciation for and understanding of the values President Coolidge championed, as well as humility and service.  The Coolidge Foundation invites the top 100 applicants to participate in its Coolidge Senators Program, which includes an all-expenses-paid Summit Weekend in Washington, D.C, and a one-time $1,000 scholarship. Applicants who make it to the finalist level, but do not ultimately win the full scholarship, receive a one-time finalist scholarship of $5,000.  The scholarship application, along with additional information, can be accessed on our scholarship site: Coolidge Scholars. The application opens in September 2024. The Coolidge Scholars Program can be reached by email at or by phone at (202) 827-4291. Deadline: 5:00 pm PST, Wednesday, December 11, 2024.


Horatio Alger Scholarship
The Horatio Alger Scholarship assists high school juniors who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society. To be considered eligible you must be enrolled full-time as a high school senior in the United States, progressing normally toward graduation in the spring/summer of 2024 with plans to enter a college in the United States no later than the fall following graduation. Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States. Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities. Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. The scholarship application will open on December 1, 2024 and close on March 1, 2025. Apply online at Horatio Alger Scholarship Application


Miss Kansas/Miss Kansas Teen USA
You could be the next Miss Kansas/Miss Kansas Teen USA. For more information visit: Miss Kansas/Miss Kansas Teen USA Website


Samsung American Legion Scholarship
Scholarships are restricted to high school juniors who complete either a Boys State or Girls State program and are a direct descendant - i.e. child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. - or a legally adopted child of a wartime veteran who served on active duty during at least one of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for American Legion membership. To apply visit: Samsung Scholarship Application


Eagle Scout of the Year
The American Legion honors the Eagle Scout of the Year at the national convention with a $10,000 scholarship. The three runners-up get $2,500. Further information is available from department adjutants or the Americanism and Children & Youth Division. The student must have reached his 15th birthday and be enrolled in high school at the time of selection. For more information visit: Eagle Scout Scholarship


Abbott and Fenner Scholarship
Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed. The winner(s) of this annual scholarship will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions. Applications for these scholarships are available at Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Application

Junior Year & Financial Aid Checklist



Take challenging courses in core academic subjects and stay on track to complete the state-required curriculum for college admission requirements. Colleges look for:

  • Challenging coursework
  • A strong GPA
  • Involvement in extra-curricular activities such as sports, volunteer work, or church

Request a catalog and admission information about a variety of colleges and universities

  • Go to college fairs and college preparation presentations by college representatives
  • Explore career options and their earning potential in the Occupational Outlook Handbook at



  • Stay involved in school and community-based activities
  • Dare to dream-take on a new leadership role
  • Apply for institutional scholarships (Don't miss deadlines!)
  • Review and apply for national scholarships at and




  • Visit college campuses (and talk to Financial Aid while I'm there)
  • Narrow my college choices to 5-7 schools
  • Ask your teachers or community leaders for recommendations for professionals who you can job-shadow for a day
  • Take the ACT and practice, practice, practice
  • Talk to parents/family about my goals after high school


  • Begin drafting a scholarship essay
  • Ask teachers, counselors, and employers for recommendation letters to include with scholarship applications
  • Review and apply for local scholarships geared toward juniors
  • Review and apply for national scholarships at and


  • Estimate college costs using each college's Net Price Calculator




  • Visit college campuses and talk to Financial Aid while I'm there
  • Narrow college choices to 5-7 schools
  • Begin applying to colleges





Helpful Hints to Score Well

  • Register in advance to give yourself time to prepare appropriately
  • Take advantage of test-prep opportunities through your high school, online, or through colleges
  • Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test and get several good nights of rest in the days before the test


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